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Compton All Saints Church of England Primary School

Accessibility Information

Compton All Saints’ C of E Primary School is committed to the inclusion of pupils and their parents who may have physical impairment.

Visitors should be aware that the school offers the following facilities for disabled visitors:

  • Dedicated car parking space. Whilst the car park gates are locked during the school day visitors wishing to use the disabled bay can telephone the school office and arrange for the gates to be opened on their arrival.
  • Sloped entrance from the playground to the classrooms (except Falcons Class).
  • Sloped entrance from the Discovery Area to the school hall.
  • Accessible toilet.
  • Level surfaces and no internal steps within the single storey school building.

Staff at the school will do all they can to meet the needs of visitors and will always endeavour to meet individual requests.

Communications to parents are usually sent by email unless reply slips are attached, in which case printed copies are sent home with the children. Should you require communication in a different format please contact the school office with your request.

The school’s Accessibility Policy can be downloaded here:

Accessibility Policy