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Compton All Saints Church of England Primary School

Compton All Saints' Curriculum


At Compton we believe that primary school should be a time when every child has a chance to shine.  It should be a place where all children discover things they love and that they are good at and as a result begin to appreciate their potential.

Our curriculum choices, through artists to text drivers are chosen to ensure we give our children a broad understanding of our diverse world, helping them appreciate a range of cultural backgrounds.

We place particular emphasis on team work and developing positive attitudes in work and play, helping children learn how to confident, resilient and lifelong learners. Central to our curriculum are our core values of compassion, gratitude and honesty.  These are the foundations on which we build our curriculum and the ethos of our school.  In addition we have four specific learning behaviours which we model, teach and promote.  We believe these behaviours support children in achieving the best they can be in all areas of the curriculum.  The behaviours are:  to be proactive, inventive, determined and reflective. 


Our whole school curriculum is based upon the National Curriculum, which is statutory for maintained schools. However, each subject has carefully chosen content that supports our Christian values and learning behaviours, and celebrates diversity. Some subjects may be taught discretely and some will be taught in conjunction with other subjects.

Each of our classes operates on a cycle, with a three year cycle in Key Stage 1, and a two year cycle in each of the Key Stage two classes so that children get full coverage of our chosen topics.

We add breadth to our curriculum with a wide variety of opportunities and experiences that cater for everyone.  These include clubs, trips, visitors and links with the wider community and Katiri Primary School in Uganda.  We hold themed weeks and days where older and younger children work together and celebrate local and national events and Christian festivals as a whole school community.


Our subject leads monitor the progress in their subject by developing detailed skills progressions for each subject. This ensures that as children progress through the school they are continually developing their skills in a broad range of subject areas. Children who are not on track are recorded and monitored to ensure they are able to catch up. We hold staff meetings regularly with a specific focus on a given subject, so that we can monitor the subject’s content, discuss how children are progressing in their skills and ensure we are offering a broad range of experiences.


Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1040)