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Compton All Saints Church of England Primary School

Physical Education



We recognise and value the importance of Physical Education (PE). PE at Compton All Saints Primary School aims to develop a fun, high-quality physical education curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sports and other physically-demanding activities. We will do this by:

  • Providing opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness.
  • Developing a competence in a broad range of physical activities
  • Inspiring all pupils to lead healthy and active lives.
  • Providing opportunities to compete in sport and other activities which build character and
    help to embed the school’s values (compassion, gratitude and honesty) and key learning
    behaviours (to be proactive, determined, inventive and reflective).


How is this subject planned?

  • The National Curriculum is taught in
    KS1 and KS2.
  • In the Early Years the Foundation Stage Curriculum is taught.
  • All year groups also complete at least
    one unit of dance, one unit of
    gymnastics and one unit of athletics.
  • Each class makes cross curricula links to other topics where appropriate.

How is this subject taught?

  • Each child has two hours PE each week.
  • Expert coaches provide a range of
    sporting training and activities across
    the year. These may form part of
    national curriculum PE provision, or be part of curriculum enrichment.
  • In year 3 and 4 the children have
    swimming lessons for one term.
  • In year 5 and 6 the children undertake a range of adventurous activities as part of their residential trips.
  • A range of sport-related after-school
    clubs are available to support physical development and skills in specific games – e.g. football, netball, tennis, street dance.
  • Matches and tournaments against
    other local schools.



How is this subject assessed?

  • By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the content, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study of the National Curriculum. Teachers make
    assessments against the skills
    progression accordingly – and keep
    track of any children who are not
    meeting these skills.
  • Assessment of PE is reported to
    parents in the annual report. 

How is this subject monitored?

  • This subject is in focus once every three years. When in focus there will be an action plan to develop the subject which will be monitored by governors on the curriculum committee.
  • The subject leader is responsible for monitoring the planning, teaching and assessment of the subject. This is achieved through subject review staff meetings where learning and planning is shared and compared to skills progressions.


 PE Skills Progression

pe skills progression.pdf

 PE Subject Overview

pe subject knowledge coverage.pdf