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Compton All Saints Church of England Primary School




Our science curriculum is designed to give all of our children curiosity and interest in the science. We want them to have the opportunity to explore ideas and hypotheses through practical investigations, as well as building on their scientific knowledge. We will do this by helping them:

  • Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
  • Develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them.
  • Learn the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.
  • To develop learning behaviours within science to help children become proactive, determined, inventive and reflective.


How is this subject planned?

  • The National Curriculum is taught in KS1 and KS2
  • In Early Years the Foundation Stage Curriculum is taught.
  • Long term planning for each class shows the progression of skills and areas of study.
  • The Key Ideas documents from the Hampshire Science Team are used by each year group to ensure children are taught the key scientific
    concepts for each unit of work.
  • Longitudinal studies are planned in for Years R – 2 to allow children to make observations and collect data over time. 

How is this subject taught?

  • Science is taught in half-termly blocked units of work in each year group – when appropriate these are linked to the topics taught in class.
  • Wherever possible scientific knowledge is taught through exploration and investigation.
  • Children are given opportunities to apply English and maths skills to their learning in science.
  • Teachers are aware of the Health and Safety aspects of science investigations and follow the Hampshire Hazard Guidance Cards.
  • In Early Years children are given opportunities to learn scientific concepts through play. They
    develop their observational skills through discussion.



How is this subject assessed?

  • Teacher assessments are reported at the end of KS1 and KS2 based on the Standards and Testing Agency’s assessment frameworks.
  • A sample of schools across the country complete KS2 Science tests
  • By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the
    relevant programme of study. Teachers make assessments accordingly.
  • Assessment of Science is reported to parents in the annual report.

How is this subject monitored?

  • The subject leader is responsible for
    monitoring the planning, teaching and
    assessment of the subject. This is achieved through book looks, pupil conferencing, questionnaires, discussions with teachers and
    liaison with governors.
  • Governors carry out regular monitoring visits in school and update the FGB via visit reports.
  • This subject is in focus once every three years. When in focus, an action plan is created to develop the subject. This is monitored by
    governors on the curriculum committee.


Science Curriculum Overview

science curriculum whole school.pdf

 Science Curriculum Expanded Overview

science curriculum whole school expanded.pdf

 Science Skills Progression

progression in working scientifically skills.pdf