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Compton All Saints Church of England Primary School


Information about our current Board of Governors can be found below:


Keith Whale (Chair)

Keith has lived locally for over 25 years. All his children attended Compton and he is passionate about pastoral care. He is retired from being MD of a medical device company in Basingstoke and is a licensed lay minister in the local church. He is a grandfather to 8 and has a particular interest in special educational needs.

Keith is Chair of the Governing Body.

He is a Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese to maintain, with the other Foundation Governors, a special focus on the Christian ethos of our school.

Keith Atton


Keith is retired after 38 years in teaching, including 19 as Head of an 11-18 comprehensive. He has worked as a School Improvement Partner, is a secondary school governor and sits on the Hampshire Schools Forum. He is a licensed lay minister in the local church and is married with 2 children and 5 grandsons. He is keen on cricket and holidaying in France

Keith is a Foundation Governor and he sits on the Resources Committee. 

Charlotte Bailey (Safeguarding Governor)

Charlotte has lived locally for over 50 years and her children went to Compton. She has been a governor for nearly 20 years. A retired primary teacher, she subsequently served as a City then County Councillor for 13 years. She works for various charities and environmental groups and enjoys singing, organic gardening and social history.

Charlotte is a Local Authority Governor and Chair of the Curriculum Committee.

Julia Cooke

Julia is a teacher in Ladybirds class. She has taught the younger children at Compton for many years. She is subject leader for RE throughout the school. She is married and has two grown-up sons. She attends Hope Church in Winchester, where she helps with a pre-school group and volunteers at a soup service for homeless adults.

Julia is a Staff Governor and a member of the Curriculum Committee.

Jo Goulding (Vice Chair)

Jo has two daughters at Compton School: one in Falcons and one in Foxes. They have lived in the parish for 10 years. She works in pensions governance and finds her experience of financial management helpful in her role as a governor. She is keen to support the school and see it build on its successes.

Jo is Vice-Chair of the Governing Body and Chair of the Resources Committee.

Jonny Hibbert Hingston

Johnny has lived locally on and off for 25 years. He has two children, one of whom is at Compton, (the other is too young). He works for the House of Commons and has a small firewood business to keep him fit. He enjoys hanging out with the family, being in the woods and out on the water. Johnny also helps out with the Sunday school at his church in Winchester.

Jonny is a Foundation Governor and a member of the Curriculum Committee.

Sophie Neyroud

Sophie is a retired secondary school teacher who attended Compton School as a child and still lives locally in Compton village today. She recognises the importance of a school with a strong Christian foundation, to both the pupils and the local community. She is committed to the area and the welfare of all the children at Compton School.

Sophie is a Foundation Governor and a member of the Curriculum and Admissions Committees.

The Rev William Prescott

William is the rector of the benefice of Compton, Hursley and Otterbourne. He is also a governor of John Keble & Ampfield School Federation. He is involved in the life of all three, taking assemblies and assisting with RE. Before ordination, he worked as a computer systems manager. He is married and has 3 daughters and 8 grandchildren.

William is a Foundation Governor and member of the Admissions Committee.

Tim Robbins

Tim is one of the two parent governors and is married to Anne. They are pleased to have two children at Compton School: one in Owls and one in Foxes. He has worked in education for over twenty-five years and is now a Maths teacher at Peter Symonds College. He also helps lead the 7-11's group at his church Sunday School.

Tim is a Parent Governor and currently sits on the Resources Committee.

David Ware (Headteacher)

 David joined Compton All Saints' as Headteacher in September 2022. 

Register of Governors’ Interests

Register of Governor Interests Sept 2023

Governor Meeting Attendance

Governor meeting Attendance 2022 2023

Governor Contact Details 

The Chair of Governors, Keith Whale, can be contacted on: k.whale@compton.hants.sch.uk