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Compton All Saints Church of England Primary School




  • To become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, so that pupils have conceptual understanding and are able to recall and apply their knowledge rapidly and accurately to problems
  • To reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, developing an argument and providing justification or proof using mathematical language
  • To solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
  • To develop learning behaviours within maths to help children become more proactive, inventive, determined and reflective.


How is this subject planned?

  • The National Curriculum is taught in KS1 and KS 2
  • In Early Years the Foundation Stage Curriculum is taught.
  • Long term plans are used to ensure coverage. 
  • Long term plans are broken down into units of work, and phases which are based on the Hampshire Assessment Model.
  • Weekly plans indicate national curriculum learning objectives and small steps.

How is this subject taught?

  • Daily sessions for each year group follow the maths mastery approach.
  • Lessons include the use of a range of concrete resources to support learning.
  • Lessons use a mixture of resources – eg White Rose, NRich, I See Reasoning, Power Maths.
  • ICT is used as a teaching tool and to reinforce learning – eg Times Tables Rockstars.
  • Maths homework supports and extends classroom learning.



How is this subject assessed?

  • Foundation Stage levels are reported
  • KS1 teacher assessment
  • End KS2 SATs
  • Year 4 national times table test.
  • Children record their work in maths books every day.
  • Teachers assess using indicators based on Hampshire assessment model.
  • Assessment of maths is reported to parents termly.

How is this subject monitored? 

  • The subject leader is responsible for monitoring the planning, teaching and assessment of the subject. This is achieved through book looks, pupil conferencing, questionnaires, discussions with teachers and governors, and moderation sessions with other schools.
  • The subject leader attends core provision training.
  • Governors undertake regular monitoring visits in school and update the FGB via visit reports.
  • Assessment data is analysed, reported to governors and used to inform future planning. 


Calculation Policy

calculation policy showing concrete pictorial and abstract.pdf



Maths Objectives by Phase


reception maths 2022.pdf


Year 1 and 2


year 1 and 2 progression in maths 2022 2023.pdf


Year 3 and 4


year 3 and 4 maths progression.pdf


Year 5 and 6


year 5 and 6 maths long term plan class 4 22 23.pdf