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Compton All Saints Church of England Primary School

Arbor and Online Payments

It is a legal requirement for all schools in England to have a management information system. Our system is called Arbor. 

Arbor incorporates parent communications, trip bookings, meal bookings, activity club bookings as well as online payments for all of these activities.  In addition, parent consultation appointments are managed in Arbor. In other words, Arbor does (almost) everything!

Parents and carers will need to activate an account in the Arbor Parent Portal. To do this go to https://compton-allsaints.uk.arbor.sc , enter your email address where requested and then select the “First Time Logging On” option. A link will be sent to your email address to allow you to set a password. From then on, you simply log in with your email address and password.  

The site itself is very intuitive and contains lots of “How To” information that can be found by clicking on the help button (top right) and then the “How to” question mark in a green circle.

There is an optional Arbor Parent App, details of which can be found here:

Arbor App Leaflet

If you have any queries or need help to create or access your account please contact adminoffice@compton.hants.sch.uk  .