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Compton All Saints Church of England Primary School

Emergency School Closures

The following information has been put together to help prepare us if adverse weather causes unsafe conditions at school.  This may make it necessary for us to implement an Ice and Snow Plan to keep the school open or, if this is not possible, to notify parents of closure. 

  • Information telling you if the school will be closed will be available on the Hampshire County Council website http://www.hants.gov.uk/education/schoolclosures .
  • Local radio stations such as Radio Solent and Win FM will also broadcast lists of school closures.
  • We will send information to parents via email and will update the school website


Each case of adverse weather will be looked at individually and appropriate action taken accordingly.  Some, or all, of the following measures may be implemented to keep the school open.

 Access to the School Site: 

  • Access to the school site will be from the top gate on the Otterbourne Road and the pedestrian entrance on Compton Street only. 
  • If necessary, a pathway will be cleared from these two access routes which will lead to the sloped access by Foxes class. This gritted pathway will be defined by cones and/or tape, and parents and pupils should remain within the confines of the gritted area. 
  • Access to Ladybirds, Hedgehogs and Foxes classes will be from the slope by Foxes class door, and then along the top paved area in front of the three classrooms. Children for Falcons class should enter the building via Foxes class. If the ice/snow is not severe, access to Ladybirds and Falcons classes will be via the Discovery area. 
  • Cones will be placed on access routes showing whether they are open or closed.