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Compton All Saints Church of England Primary School


SEND and the ‘Local Offer’

All Local Authorities are required to publish information on the ‘Local Offer’ about all SEND services, along with details of any eligibility for specialist services and a signpost to support for those who do not meet thresholds. 

Hampshire’s Local Offer can be found here:


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at Compton Primary School

At Compton we are committed to providing a caring and inclusive environment, where school and home work in partnership, and all children have opportunities to flourish and achieve their best.  We aim to raise the aspirations and expectations for all our pupils, including those with SEND, and strive to provide a variety of support according to individual needs to achieve the best possible outcomes. 

We also recognise the importance of social and emotional development for all children, including those with SEND, and how this is key to children’s happiness, engagement and success in school life and beyond. 

Within our school, high quality, inclusive teaching is recognised as being the most effective way to achieve the desired outcomes for most of our pupils.  However, sometimes additional interventions may be planned in order to meet specific needs and will be delivered in small groups or individually.  Examples of these include Precision Teaching; Time to Talk; speech and language programmes; Clever Bodies and Clever Hands; Speed Up! Handwriting. 

Hampshire have published a Parent Guide to Special Educational Needs (SEN) which can be found here:

Parent Guide to SEN

ELSA support at Compton

At Compton our ELSA is Mrs Hannah Van Greunen.  The ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) intervention was designed to enable schools to support the emotional needs of their pupils from within the school. This is achieved by trained staff who develop and deliver individualised or group support programmes to meet the emotional needs of children in their care. It recognises that children learn better and are happier in school if their emotional needs are also addressed.  ELSA is intended to be short-term purposeful support, usually to help develop new skills or coping strategies that enable the pupil to experience greater success.  During the ELSA programme any strategies that the child has learned are followed through in the classroom through ‘take-away’ tasks. Parents and carers are also encouraged to meet at regular intervals to discuss progress and how strategies might be used outside of school.

Parents and staff can ask for a child to be placed on the referral list for ELSA and pupils can also refer themselves. ELSA Programmes are planned according to availability of the ELSA and the level of urgency; Therapeutic Story Writing and TALA are also part of the Compton’s pastoral provision. 

Link to leaflet about TALA and ELSA:

ELSA and TALA Leaflet

Further details of our SEND provision can be found in our SEND Information Report:

SEN Information Report

and our SEND Policy:

SEN Policy Jan 2024

If you wish to discuss any aspect of SEND at Compton, do not hesitate to contact our Inclusion Manager, Mrs Hayley Chalkley, via the school office or email adminoffice@compton.hants.sch.uk

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