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Compton All Saints Church of England Primary School

Vision and Values


At Compton All Saints’ Primary School everyone feels welcome, safe and loved. We are respectful to each other and courageous in our learning. As a result, children thrive; they embrace learning, strive to achieve their potential and are equipped with the skills to become independent life-long learners.

We achieve this by:

● Ensuring all our children become courageous and resilient learners

● Providing a safe and inclusive learning environment

● Delivering a broad, enjoyable and inspiring curriculum

● Creating a strong sense of community, built on respect and love


The following bible verse will be shared regularly to encapsulate the school’s vision:

‘Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.’

Colossians 3:14

A longer passage including verse 14 is already often used:

‘As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to god. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.’

Christian Values

Love: Knowing that God loves each of us unconditionally, we in turn show that love to others. We teach our children to be selfless and put other people first. We want our children to feel loved at school but also learn how to behave towards others and how to form lasting friendships. Love underpins all that we do and ensures our strong sense of community.

Courage: Helping our children endure in their commitment to what is right and true and not give in to discouragement – whilst remembering that we can ask God to give us courage to do the right thing. This has strong links to resilience and our learning behaviours. We recognise that currently (post pandemic, society influences) children often lack self-belief, resilience and mental strength.

Respect: Following Jesus’ example, we encourage everyone in our community to value each other and celebrate our differences. One of the most important virtues a child can have is respect. Being respectful of others, their values and their beliefs can ensure that they develop positive relationships with their family, friends, and those in their communities, throughout their life.

Each of our Christian Values link closely to one of our three school rules: Ready, Respectful and Safe.

Courage - Ready – Be confident, have self-belief and therefore be ready to learn so you can achieve your goals.

Respect - Respectful - Show kindness to those around you, respect their property, their personal space, and their views.

Love - Safe – You feel safe when you feel loved. Ensure you love yourself and those around you, acting in a way that keeps everyone safe.

These values form the basis of the work we do in developing children’s personal, moral and spiritual growth. We regularly discuss these throughout collective worship, and link them to stories from the Bible. Each Friday we celebrate, with parents, in our celebration assembly, when and how children have shown one of the values during the week.

vision values rules behaviour overview.pdf


Our Learning Behaviours

learning behaviours.pdf


British Values

In 2011, the Government defined British values as:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of other faiths and beliefs

As a school we promote these values in a variety of ways:

  • Through our key Christian values of compassion, gratitude and honesty;
  • Through our key learning behaviours: to be proactive, inventive, determined and reflective;
  • Through our high expectations of behaviour;
  • Through our high expectations of learning;
  • Through our school worship and Church festivals
  • Through our broad and stimulating curriculum, including the RE ‘Living Difference’ syllabus;
  • Through enrichment activities such as residentials, trips and welcoming visitors and experts to our school.


Children at Compton All Saints’ have a range of opportunities for their voices to be heard and to be involved in the way the school develops.

  • At the start of each year pupils contribute to deciding what rules will make their class, and therefore their school, a safe and happy place to be.
  • Each year group of children votes annually for one boy and one girl to represent them on the school council. Those chosen are presented to parents and children as part of a Celebration Assembly.  The school council meets regularly with a member of staff and sometimes a Governor.  Small action research projects are carried out that genuinely effect change within the school.
  • Leadership is encouraged at all levels. Children have the chance to become class monitors, librarians, sports captains and reading partners during the course of the school year. 
  • Democracy is promoted through PSHE lessons, collective worship and curriculum topics – eg Ancient Greece. It is also explored through reading and discussions about local, national and international news stories.

The Rule of Law

The importance of rules and laws is regularly reinforced during normal school days through dealing with behaviour issues and exploring ideas during collective worship and class discussions.  Within Compton, children know that the school’s key values underpin the way in which we expect people to behave and treat each other.  They know that compassionate and honest behaviour will be celebrated and that there are clear consequences for unacceptable behaviour. 

The RE curriculum, circle time, PSHE and collective worship also give children opportunities to explore ideas around morality, developing a strong sense of right and wrong to help them do the right thing even when it is difficult. 

In a wider context, children are taught about the value and reasons behind laws, the responsibilities that are involved and the consequences when rules and laws are broken.  Real understanding of this is developed through discussing and applying rules in different contexts – eg Forest School and Bikeability training.  Visits from authorities such as the Police and the Fire Service help to reinforce this message.

Individual Liberty

Within our school, children are actively encouraged to make their own choices knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.  Through the Rights Respecting agenda, they begin to understand how rights and responsibilities are inextricably linked and try to consider these through contexts different from their own.

Through our key values and our broad-based curriculum, children are taught about personal responsibility, choices, friendships, sex and relationships, ambition and aspiration. They are encouraged to develop their interests and talents and taught how to keep themselves safe, including through E-Safety, visits from ChildLine and other local services.

Mutual Respect

Our high expectations for learning and behaviour are reflected in our policies, including our Single Equality Policy, and are underpinned by our Christian values. 

Through our RE curriculum the children explore the key tenets of religions different from Christianity – Hinduism, Islam, Judaism – and those with other faiths are encouraged to share their beliefs and experiences. 

Other areas of the curriculum, such as PSHE, History, English (Let’s Think) also actively promote the importance of collaboration and the concept of looking for similarities whilst understanding difference.  Mutual respect is also promoted through our programme of collective worship and visiting speakers. 

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Compton All Saints’ is situated in an area which is lacking cultural diversity and so we work hard to highlight diversity with the children.  This is achieved through a carefully developed curriculum which celebrates diversity. Acceptance of different faiths and beliefs is promoted through the Hampshire County Agreed Syllabus for RE – Living Difference. The content of our PSHE, English and History curricula also promotes knowledge and understanding of different faiths and traditions.  This includes visits to places of worship that are both Christian and non-Christian.  Our local rector and foundation governors visit the school regularly.

Instances of bullying behaviour, including the use of racist or homophobic language is dealt with firmly and swiftly.  The Head Teacher keeps a behaviour log of all significant incidents and this is shared with Governors in an annual report. 

At Compton All Saints’ we will actively challenge pupils, parents or staff who express opinions that are contrary to fundamental British values, including extremist views.